- Use the Rock Bomb to blow up the West wall of the temple that leads South ( or East if you did this side last update, See above to see the East side)
- The West Side is fairly simple, the roaches are the safe spots to stand to avoid the Vipers. So make your way to the bottom to pick up the Temple Key Segment.
- There are also more Viper Antivenom in the small chests in the upper corners. You can also break the vases lining the bottom to pick up various talismans.
- You can now use the four Temple Key Segments to craft the Casula Temple Key.
- Use the Casula Temple Key to open the gate and open the path to the next room.
- To solve this puzzle you have to move the three MC’s to each of the three pressure plates around the room. In order to do this the left and right MC will stay still. The middle one is the one you can control by moving like normal. Move to the pressure plate at the bottom. Now depending on which way you are facing when you are standing on the plate will determine which way the other two MC’s will move. As long as you’re standing on the plate the two MC’s will continue to move. So you have to step on and off the plate at the right times.
- You first want to approach the plate from the bottom and step on it so you’re facing North so the MC’s will move up. Until they are in the position seen below.
- Now move around so you approach the plate so you’re facing to the West and move the MC’s to the West until the left MC is below his pressure plate. Seen below.
- Now approach the plate from the bottom again so the MC’s move up again. The one MC should be on his plate now.
- Now move around and step on the plate so you’re facing East and move the MC’s till the MC’s are in the following positions.
- Now step on the plate from the bottom again so the MC’s move North. Both MC’s should be just to the right of the plates now.
- Now step on the plate so you’re facing West, both MC’s should move onto the plates and you should be put back into one MC again.
- Go to Janet’s House and talk to her about the rituals.
- Go to Estero Key and talk to Naomi about the rituals.
- Go to the Mansion and talk to Sofia about the rituals.
- Meet the three lovely ladies at the park.
- You will be moved to the Casula Temple ritual room for the ritual.
- Enjoy Scene 106.
- Go to the Mansion and to the 2nd floor and find one of Sofia’s guards he will take to the room where Sofia is trying to do the ritual to cure her.
- Go to Alia’s House and speak to Naomi and Sam and see if Sam will help.
- You will take Sam to Sofia at the Mansion.
- You can now go to the Ancient Temple and open the third chest for another Evie Photo.
- Can also go back to the final ritual room and pick up all the money and Talismans
- And also light the Torch (14th).
- At the entrance of the Casula Temple you can pick up Naomi’s 4th Chest Key.
- You can now go back to the final ritual room and open Naomi’s 4th Chest and Receive Noami’s 4th KamaSutra Page Anal Sex (39th)
- Head over to the Squallmart and talk to Emily. You can also buy Jessica updated profile ($1000).
- Head to the Park and talk to Ash.
- Find Kaley in the Park, Head West, North, and East twice, should see Kaley up on a cliff.
- Click in this general area and use your Grappling Hook to climb up, then use your Metal Ladder to cross the gap to reach Kaley.
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