You will get most achievements in a normal playthrough, if you go for all relationships.
There are at the moment 49 reachable achievements, most of them are related to the women of the game. That's why the guide is ordered by women.
The game itself is for free and at the moment you can buy a Premium DLC to support the dev.
Bonus from Premium DLC: You get the next update 2 weeks earlier and some additional content.
Update History
Update 16
Premium Edition - December 4th
Free Edition - December 22nd
4 new achievements, all are integrated into the guide
If you wanna be my lover...: You gotta get with Nora's friend.
I'm a Lover and a Fighter: Celebrate Tammy's second fight.
Playing it safe: Follow Juliana's grandmothers advice. For safety.
Wood for Sheep: Play a board game with the gang. (Izzy)
Update 15 (07/2023)
Falling for her (Kendra)
Out of the Office (Gertrude)
Meet the parents (Bai)
2 new scenes with other women, but only in the Premium Edition. More infos in the chapter Other Women.
Update 14 (03/2023)
Livestream Fail (Brandi)
Resolved Daddy Issues (Jamie)
Wet Bandit (Whitney)
Update 13 (11/2022)
Mi Famlia (Jez)
Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door? (Dana)
General Tips
If it's possible to peek you should always save and try both ways.
Time Periods
A day has 4 time periods. On weekdays you work in the afternoon.
There are 2. One in the school and the Lava Java where Suzy and Tammy work.
In the school cafe you can chat with strangers.
Sound effects (voices)
(03/2023) In some of Kendra's and Mari's scenes are now sound effects and parts of her lines are voiced. The volumes of these sound effects and the music did not fit for me. I reduced the music volume down to a third.
The amount of sound effects increases with every update.
Beside clicking on the option at the bottom of the screen, you can use the "H" key or the 3. mouse button to hide the text.
For better reading the background of the text is darkened, but I prefer to have a clear view of the graphic. Change the "Text Box Opacity" slider to reach your personal optimum setting.
Hidden Achievements
You can see the explanation of hidden achievements if you click on them in the global statistics.
Missed achievements
If you missed an achievement, you might be able to trigger it by watching the triggering scene again from the gallery and choose the right choice.
Relationships and internal help system
You can enable or disable the quests for the relationship of a girl in the affection menu.
Just click on the heart of the person.
If you click on the portrait you can see the details of your progress and can get a good hint what to do next.
In the tutorial RJ says if you don't like characters you can disable their heart and avoid them,
but this is not the truth for all chars.
Example: For unlocking some date locations you have to make your first visit with a specific char.
RJ is increasing these pushes towards some chars (dependencies) with each new update.
Reba and Mari
Reba Ellis
(07/2022) You can break Reba's route, if you discover the meth lab only on Izzy's route and tell it Jez too early. For more infos look at Jez.
If he dies, he dies: Knock out Reba's brother Mickey when he starts a fight with you.
Easiest to miss!
This achievement isn’t about Reba herself, it’s about her brother. In the scene (Mudding with Reba) on her path her brother attacks you. Your options totally depend on how much you have trained. Choose: Block and counterpunch.
I advise to make the achievements with Tammy first, because it includes MMA training in the gym. I think you need more training than the minimum what is needed for Tammy's achievement. It's no problem to postpone this scene with Reba. More infos in the chapter 100% achievements.
Her first time was in-tents: Share a tent with Reba. (07/2022)
Booty in the boonies: Get invited into Mari's house.
Rural Romance: Profess your love to Mari.
Tammy, Suzy and Lisa (step family)
Tammy and Suzy
Tammy is not really step family, but the relationship paths of Suzy and Tammy are connected.
Always in her corner: Help Tammy to win her fight.
Scene: Tammy's big fight.
Eyes wide shut: Peek when Tammy tells you not to.
You really should open your eyes, because this is the first scene with more than 1 woman.
Scene: Suzy does want more than just watch
Tender is the night: Suzy doesn’t want to sleep alone.
Cord of three: Enter a throuple relationship. (03/2022)
Scene: Suzy and Tammy get serious.
I'm a Lover and a Fighter: Celebrate Tammy's second fight. (12/2023)
After the scene: Tammy's Rematch.
(11/2022) A threesome with Tammy, you and another male is possible (no achievement).
Scene: Threesome with ... at gym. The third person is Bai.
You have to be his friend or lover.
This opens in a telephone chat with him the dialog option: Propose a threesome with Tammy. If you are on the friend route with Bai the scene is without gay content.
Lisa Gordon
A more hands-on approach: Lisa visits your bedroom at night.
Business and Pleasure: Go on a business trip with Lisa. (07/2022)
Jamie and Brandi
Let’s get it right this Time: Have your first Date with Jamie.
Don't touch that... dial?: Get intimate with Jamie during the commercials.
Get it out in the open: Get intimate with Jamie in public.
At a date in the movie theatre choose the erotic action (handjob) with her.
Secret Sauce: Make some sauce at Jackson Burger. (12/2021)
At a date at Jackson Burger choose the erotic action (handjob) with her.
Resolved Daddy Issues: Work things out with Jamie and her father. (03/2023)
Like and subscribe!: Have your first kiss on camera with Brandi.
Livestream Fail: Brandi makes a big mistake.(03/2023)
Dana and Mrs Mills (work)
Girl, Interrupted: Catch Dana in the file room.
Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door?: Help Dana leave her abusive fiancé. (11/2022)
Mrs Mills
It’s a living: Help Mrs Mills out in exchange for a bonus on your next pay check.
Who's the Boss?: Turn things around on Mrs. Mills. (12/2021)
You have to take the initiative in her scene: Cleaning with your ... out
1. No...way
2. No ma'an
3. ...yes I would
4. Im not done tough
5. shove your ... in her mouth
Gertrude, Ms Nora Welch and Mrs McGee (college)
Mrs Gertrude Spann
She is the school counselor.
Red Handed: Catch Gertrude when your eyes supposed to be closed.
Out of the Office: Meet Gertrude outside of her office for the first time. (07/ 2023)
Ms Nora Welch
She is the social teacher.
I’m doing my part!: Exercise your voting rights with Ms Welch.
If you wanna be my lover...: You gotta get with Nora's friend. (12/2023)
Scene: Hot tube and drinks with Nora and ...
Mrs Eden McGee
She is the English teacher.
Making Chaucer proud: Show Mrs McGee that you understand what the Miller’s Tale means.
Choose in the scene the option: Grab her by the queynte
Full of Bull: Go visit the McGee's for some special time. (03/2022)
Mi-Cha and Juliana
No achievement so far, but you shouldn't miss her scene Mi-Cha bedroom dance.
Playing it safe: Follow Juliana's grandmothers advice. For safety. (12/2023)
Scene: Meeting Juliana's grandmother. After that have erotic action with Juliana and follow grandma's advice.
Kendra and Izzy (park)
Water sports (not that kind): Go water skiing with Kendra.
Scene: Water skiing with Kendra.
Falling for her: Taking a big leap for Kendra
Go skydiving with Kendra and spent the night with her. (07/ 2023)
Izzy Walker
I’ve got a bad feeling about this: Deliver a package for Izzy.
It's Izzy's scene: Delivering a package for Izzy.
Wood for Sheep: Play a board game with the gang. (12/2023)
Scene: Board games with the gang
Adrian and Bai (LGTBQIA+)
Full Disclosure: Adrian comes out as transgender to you.
It's Adrian's scene: Adrian tells you her secret.
You don’t need to kiss or interact s♥xualy with Adrian for this achievement, but for the next it's necessary.
Let's Smash: Spend a night smashing with Adrian. 07/2022
It's Adrian's scene: Sleepover with Adrian.
Bai Wang
You have 3 options to handle Bai:
Ignore him: Disable his heart in the relationship menu.
Just be friends: His heart has to be active and you have to tell him: Let's just be friends.
Be lovers: Is needed if you want all his achievements.
For the threesome with him and a girl you can choose option 2 or 3. If you choose option 3 you have also gay content in the threesome scene. For more infos about this scene look at Tammy's chapter.
Extra Sausage: Enjoy Pizza and a movie at Bai’s apartment.
For this achievement you have to travel the gay road (option 3). Have a date with Bai and kiss him at the end. Only if you do so you will be invited to his apartment.
Meet the parents: Be there for him when Bai comes out. (07/2023)
I had a little problem with this, because the event triggered only after I had again a date and erotic action with him.
Jez and Whitney (story related)
The relationship paths of both woman are connected to your story progress. That includes cleaning out the basement.
Jez Rodriguez
Nothing to see here: Get an accidental text from Jez.
It's Jez's scene: Accidental nude.
At the moment (10/2021) there is a little bug with this achievement. Don't choose the option to pleasure yourself. To get this achievement choose Save it or Delete it.
Deep Undercover: Stay the night at Jez’s house.
Snitches get stitches: Tell Jez about the meth lab. (12/2021)
Call Jez, after Reba's scene Reba's brother stole her truck.
Possible Problem: You can discover the meth lab in two different ways, either through Reba's route or Izzy's route. If you did discover it on both routes there is no problem, but if you didn't discover it on Reba's route it can have negative consequences for her route.
Infos from the dev (07/2022)
To avoid this problem, you can follow the chapter 100% Achievements in 1 playthrough.
Mi Famlia: Meet Jez's family. (11/2022)
I’m something of a scientist myself: Meet with Whitney for the first time.
Wet Bandit: Celebrate with Whitney after committing a felony.(03/2023)
MC (story)
Basement Dweller: Go into the basement for the first time.
What have you gotten yourself into: Finish cleaning the basement.
Hydration is key: Conclude three times in one day.
Get erotic action with 3 women on the same day. Later in the game it's easy, because you have repeatable possibilities.
Examples: Suzy (morning, home), Dana (afternoon, work), Liza (evening, home) and Mari (night,farm).
Just one more turn…: Play Souls of War 20 times.
You can play it in the evening and at night, on saturday and sunday also in the afternoon.
How to get the game Souls of War? You get it from Adrian.
Gonna need a montage!: Workout or practice MMA at the gym 20 times.
Grinding the beans: Order 20 coffees.
Other women
Because these women don't appear in the relationship menue, you should keep a save from the scenes with them.
You can meet Claire in the school cafe. Repeat chatting with strangers.
Rose (07/2022) She is a missable Easter Egg. You can find her in the library of Whiterock,
when you travel there with Lisa. Precondition: Meet her first at Ms Welch's party.
Connie, only in the Premium Edition (07/2023)
She is an elderly woman (granny) and you can meet her at Jackson Burger.
Big Ti_s, only in the Premium Edition (07/2023)
You can meet her in the cafe. You alreday know her from Ms Welch's party (see screenshot at the end of this guide).
100% Achievements in 1 playthrough (A)
RJ does not only add new content with every update, she also changes old parts of the game. Please forgive me, but I won't do a complete replay with every update.
So I'm not absolutely sure, if all of this is still necessary.
It's possible to get all achievements in one playthrough.
Don't forget to save in every phase and keep some saves.
Phase 1: Start
Play the intro and the tutorial with R.J..
Deactivate the hearts of Jez, Izzy and Reba in the affection menu.
Phase 2: Increasing the fight abilities
You can't do now Reba's scene Was thinking about taking the truck out mudding, because you are not ready to win the fight with her brother and get the achievement If he dies, he dies.
That's the reason why we disabled the heart of Reba.
More infos in the chapter Reba.
Clean the basement not more than once.
Your goals are:
a good relationship with Tammy and at least the first seven scenes with her
max workout
the first achievement with Tammy and Suzy Always in her corner: Help Tammy to win her fight.
The priorities in this phase:
Stars with Tammy or Suzy.
Go to the gym when you see Tammy there. If nothing has a star or is pink choose MMA with her.
When Tammy or Suzy are highlighted in pink.
Go to the gym if it is available and you didn’t already reach your maximum from exercising alone. When you reached your maximum, you get after workout the message: I’m not sure I could get much stronger than I already am with these exercises.
If possible visit them or talk to them.
Do anything else.
If you accomplished all goals you can move on and fight with Reba's brother.
100% Achievements in 1 playthrough (B)
Phase 3: Fight the brother and discover the meth lab on both routes
Turn on the hearts of Reba and Izzy.
Read the parts in this guide of Reba, Jez and Izzy.
Make Izzy and Reba your top priority.
Choose counterpunch in the fight.
Get all the first 6 scenes of Reba (Reba's brother stole her truck) and Izzy (Delivering a package for Izzy).
Phase 4
Turn on the heart of Jez.
Clean the basement.
Do not rat out the meth lab as long as you get a warning to miss content with Jez.
Make Jez your top priority.
Phase 5
From now on there is no need for an order. The best way is to focus on some people and to know how to get their achievements.
I'm not part of the development team or have any special insights into the game. I'm just an ordinary fan of the game and made this guide because I love the game.
If you have a question, please feel free to ask.
Comments which are inappropriate or contain links will be deleted!
I hope you have fun and can catch all achievements.
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